
2010-07-18 8:50 pm
water pollution towel shower air pollution toothbrush plastic bags televisions
radios toilet paper
1.We can take a ________instead of a bath to save water.
2.I forgot to buy a ________yesterday so I cannot brush my teeth.
3.Many teenagers prefer watching dramas in their computers than in___________.
4.The____________is serious today that i have difficulty breathing.
5.To reduce waste , we should reuse__________________.

回答 (5)

2010-07-19 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
water pollution towel shower air pollution toothbrush plastic bags televisions
radios toilet paper
1.We can take a shower instead of a bath to save water.
2.I forgot to buy a toothbrush yesterday so I cannot brush my teeth.
3.Many teenagers prefer watching dramas in their computers than in televisions.
4.The air pollution is serious today that i have difficulty breathing.
5.To reduce waste , we should reuse plastic bags. 2010-07-18 13:56:10 補充 B)
recharge reuse recycle refill
1.电池 use rechargable battery/cells
2.水瓶use refillable bottles
3.餐具use reusable eating utensils
4.paper use recycled paper
2010-07-18 9:34 pm
1. shower

2. toothbrush

3. televisions

4. air pollution

5. plastic bags
參考: 甄★
2010-07-18 9:22 pm
1) shower
2) toothbrush
3) televisions
4) air pollution
5) plastic bags
參考: myself.
2010-07-18 9:09 pm
1.We can take a ___shower_____ instead of a bath to save water.

2.I forgot to buy a __toothbrush ______yesterday so I cannot brush my teeth.

3.Many teenagers prefer watching dramas in their computers than in______televisions _____.

4.The____air ________is serious today that I have difficulty breathing.

5.To reduce waste , we should reuse_____plastic bags _____________.

2010-07-18 13:10:38 補充:
The answer of Question 4 should be " air pollution ".

2010-07-18 15:06:22 補充:
1. recharge
2. refill
3. recycle
4. reuse
2010-07-18 9:05 pm



4.air pollution


Hope I can help you;D

2010-07-18 13:08:07 補充:

應該係plastic bags

參考: myself

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