
2010-07-18 8:33 pm
如果我15歲, 想去美國芝加哥, 到時住姨媽家, 有d咩要準備, 仲有會唔會好易唔批??

回答 (4)

2010-07-19 1:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you intend to study, you should have the school official document (with a USCIS Form I-20) saying that you are studying, unless you enroll in a short-term course.

Regardless, they don't really care where you live. But what they concern is your intention to stay.

In other words, even you don't live with your relative, your chance is still the same.

Since F-1 Student Visa is different from B1/B2 Travel Visa, please provide more detail in order to determine your chance and what document do you need.
2010-07-19 11:37 pm
2010-07-19 7:48 pm
if you can find a PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL ok to accept you. then you have to apply the student visa in HK, you have to show them your family able to pay the school ( about $150,000 HKD a year ).

where you live in USA is not important, and your USA aunt is nothing to do to help you get the visa.

PS. going to USA study or visiting is not that easy for some people. otherwise, all Chinese already in there lar.

2010-07-19 11:50:46 補充:
you had been asked this same question many time lar. is all you want someone can answer you ----YES, NO PROBLEM, YOU CAN GO------ ?
2010-07-18 8:45 pm
是好難批.要身分証,護照,錢(HK$1040/HK$1120 ),存摺(父母同本人)去到美國芝加哥住邊間酒店(求期給一間酒店地址便可),幾時離開,在哪入境,
參考: 自已,本人試過的經驗

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