
2010-07-18 7:18 pm
2.CK D平腳褲貴唔貴

回答 (3)

2010-07-27 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 平腳褲(或四角)同普通三角既差唔多, 只係CUTTING唔同, 都係用彈性貼身既布料. 但唔會好似三角既會"cool"住, 孖煙通係鬆好多好多, 一般唔用彈性布料,好通爽但有時會覺得冇咩安全感...個人鍾意平腳多d, 孖煙通當睡褲多.
2. CK既UNDER唔算貴, 係留意吓有時D BASIC款經常有DISCOUNT 好似$400三條咁, 有D特別款會過$300/條(我有條褲頭有閃石既,靚, 但會甩, 心痛...), 一般平腳多數係$220至$280, 同款既平腳多數比三角貴$20. CK既最好買MICRO FIBER料嗰D,貴少少但舒服好多. 依家有隻金屬色闊邊既己好, 我好鍾意呢隻CUTTING, 推介.
其實你可以諗埋EA D UNDER, 貴 CK 少少, 但質地好好, 唔洗MICRO FIBER料已經好好著, EA D 款普遍有型D. EA D 三角其實都OK, 唔"coo", 所以我多數買EA既三角, CK既平腳. 但CK既有個問題, d車線好似冇EA既咁好, 成日甩...EA 既唔會, 抵著過CK.
3. 我諗正常, 因為我都係...
參考: 自己
2010-07-22 7:36 am
孖煙通is 鬆

There are 2 types of 平腳褲: trunk and boxer brief

Boxer brief is a tight boxer, has a longer leg cut

Trunk is also tight, it has a pouch in the front to spare rooms for your testicle and penis.

I have been wearing CK's trunk since teenages. It's comfortable and charming.

CK has a array of product line, all of them are made of high tech fibre.

If you like smooth and light texture, try micro modal, its extremely comfortable; if you are sporty, try pro stretch or pro strecth reflex. Most of CK';s underwear dry quickly and particularly suitable for hot summer.

All of them are expensive,it cost around 200 dollars but I think it's worthy, it can last over 7 years and it gives you confidence in locker room. Visit my blog if you have any questions

2010-07-21 23:38:18 補充:
If you get the right size, 平腳褲 would not ride up!
參考: CK's website and my blog
2010-07-19 7:07 pm
1. YES, 孖煙通的褲腳係鬆身
2. HKD240 - HKD280
3. YES 我著都會!

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