
2010-07-18 6:37 pm
如果係係d美國名牌大學畢業(example: USC, UCB, BOSTON U, NYU)會唔會有好D既OFFER?

想問如果係美國讀完大學 (MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING) 畢業,返香港搵工會唔會有優勢?

定係D大公司其實會prefer請返係香港既畢業生? 因為US同HK學既野始終有出入.
咁如果我真係想返黎香港發展既話,有D咩預備工夫要做? 例如有D咩COURSE要TAKE返,OR有D咩EXAM要去考返?


回答 (3)

2010-07-19 1:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. No, although your chance of getting interviews are higher.

2. No, because accounting systems are different.

3. Usually yes because they are better in term on how they think.
2010-07-23 5:34 am
You should go for AICPA, then take HK law and HK Tax. After then, no difference to others (eg people graduated from UK). AICPA is acceptable to all BIg 4 firms.

Basically long hours but it depends on your long term objective ie whether you would like to be with a public accounting firm for a long period of time or move to commercial or other related fields. I think you do not need to plan that far, so long as you are now interested in accounting then go for it and get the training and qualified with a Big firm then consider other opportunities. The first few years are for you to get prepared for the future.

Interview, be yourself and honest.
2010-07-18 7:52 pm

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