
2010-07-18 1:49 am


回答 (3)

2010-07-28 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
● 麻煩你,你可以指示我某個地方的位置嗎? - Excuse me, can you please give me the direction to 某個地方?
● 搭巴士還是的士好? - Is it better to go by bus or taxi?
● 這條路是近路嗎? - Is this the shortcut?
● 哪裏可以打電話 - Where can I make a (phone) call? / Where is the nearest phone booth?
● 這附近哪裏有xxx? - Is there xxx near / around here?
● 目前離xxx還有多遠? - How far is it to xxx? / Am I near / close xxx? Is xxx around here? Is xxx far?
● 哪條路最好行和最快? - What's the easiest way to get to xxx? / Could you give me the simpiest directions to xxx?
● 我想知這附近有沒有便利店 - I want to know if there is any convenience shop nearby.
● 到達那裏之前, 我會經過多少個路口? - how many junctions I should pass before getting there?

● 很近的,走十分鐘就到了 - It is very near. You can walk there in 10 minutes.
● 過兩個街口就是了 - It is only 2 blocks away.
● 在酒店對面的巴士站搭巴士比較好 - It is better to go by the bus opposite the hotel.
● 頗遠的。我會搭的士,但車費比較貴 - It is quite far. I would go by taxi. But it is a bit expensive.
● 在右邊(左邊) - It's on the right (left).
● 右(左)轉 - Turn right (left). / Then take a right (left).
● 直走會遇到第一個紅綠燈 - You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light.
● 在右邊(左邊)的轉角就可以看見 - You will see it at the corner on your right (left).
● 這是在xxx的旁邊 - It's next to xxx. / It's beside xxx.
● 這是在xxx的對面 - It's on the opposite side of xxx.
● 這是在xxx和ooo之間 - It's between the xxx and ooo.
● 這是在這條路的盡頭 - It's at the end of this street.
● 一個三叉路口 - a fork road
● 十字路口 - crossroad
● 就在xxx後面 - it's behind xxx.
● 你可以沿著這條街直走下去 - You may go straight down the street.
● 你就可以找到你想要去的地方 - You will find where you want to go.
● 我認為現在並不容易把去這個地方的方法告訴你 - I think it is not easy to tell you how to get there right here.
● 到XXX這個地方, 然後你可以在那裏再問人吧 - to XXX first, and then you may ask somebody there
● 上樓梯 - walk up the stairs
● 祝你有個愉快的一天 - Have a good day.
參考: 以上回答部分內容節錄自部份英語教學網頁及Shirleybaby(部分字詞曾作修改)
2010-07-21 9:07 pm
Live it straight along the road, at the 2nd traffic lights Gui degree turn left, you will see the post office, next to the post office buildings, you enter on the 2nd floor after Find Friends it wants.
2010-07-18 5:30 am
Go straight fordward along the road,

turn left at the second traffic light,

Then you will see a post office,

and you will see there is a building beside it,

go inside of the building and go to the second floor
參考: me

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