Passive Voice

2010-07-18 1:06 am

Prizes drawn on the coming Friday.

請問呢句passive voice sentence點解唔見左個main verb (be) ? 咩情況下可以忽略左個verb to be?


回答 (4)

2010-07-18 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(例如一些告示).是沒有 S+V+O的. 完整句子才須用主 / vt.

以上句子是一[ 形容詞短語 ]adj. phrase...獎品(被)領取在來緊的星期五.

Prizes drawn on the coming Friday.

drawn是過去分詞,其語態只有[ 被動 ]

drawing作現在分詞, 其語態是 [主動]有object跟隨,.......being drawn 是 [ 被領取咗 ]

分詞=participle 主要是用來分担 主動詞的工作而設. 可作adj 及 adv.

2010-07-28 14:05:16 補充:
To Funker : 如果我答錯,yahoo管理員都唔會放過我和黃好運.
2010-07-22 2:20 am
Dear F.P.,
Thanks for your consideration, I have checked for it and there're not any missing words. This is what hits the head of my curiosity.
2010-07-18 4:08 am
The sentence you quoted is not itself a complete sentence. Are you sure there are no missing words? Please check carefully. Also check whether it is a colon (:) instead of full-stop (.) after the word Friday.
2010-07-18 2:52 am
你LEE句句子好似本身都有問題,正確GE應該係Prizes are drawn on the coming Friday,本身就唔應該忽略左個verb to be

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