
2010-07-18 1:05 am


回答 (4)

2010-07-18 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Well, from the Use of Atomic Bomb till now, there are all sort of nuclear weapon was developed over the both sides, some of them were already taken out of the market, but some of them still remain.

The fact to the matter is, how small you want your nuke to be? And there would be one suiting your need, given if you are given the right to obtain those things....

The smallest nuke's nuke believed to be the Davy Crockett (Well, at least what it is in the US/Western Arsenal and not include dirty bomb)


It is a recoilness rifle type RPG-risqe Mobile Nuke platform. Developed in the 1950s.

Then,it come down to Nuclear Artillery, which both side uses normal artillery piece as delievery platform for Nuclear Warhead.


The W-33 nuclear Warhead fitted to a M110 Howitzer


Non-related Nuclear Artillery demostration


However, those small device were only called Nuke's Nuke, which is a Weapon of mass destruction. There are other such as Dirty nuke and pencil EMP device that does not have a limitation of size.


The lastest and smallest nuke for US is actually not a nuke at all, it's the "Pencil EMP Bomb" which have a size of a normal pen or pencile.

However, instead of ink and graphite core, they replace it with reactive sustance so when the "ink" or "graphite core" react with the tip (act as a detonator) a small nuclear fisson will occur and the bomb will then "detonate"

Since the fission is so small the damage done is not considerable, but the fission would have a by-product, which is EMP wave, which will fried all electricity circuit in the near perimeter.

Rumor has it is in service with the CIA field agent. I cannot tell you any further as most information i know is classified.......And honestly, i don't know much on this anyway...
2010-07-18 6:12 am

最初既核武,即投到廣島及長崎既小男孩(Little Boy)及胖子(Fat Man)雖然係當時既科技最高結晶,但其實兩個炸彈尺寸巨大,佢地各自長三米,胖子闊1.5米,小男孩雖然纖幼啲,但都有28吋闊,而兩彈各自重四噸。咁巨型既炸彈,係1944年之前根本就無現役既飛機可以運載,後來B-29出現先可以運載佢地。據聞B-29正正係為左運載核彈而設計,但即使係呢架咁巨型既飛機,每架都只可載運一個核彈。


2010-07-18 4:35 am
2010-07-18 3:23 am

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