projectile motion

2010-07-18 12:20 am
A car accident happened. The car sped up the concrete ramp and took off from the ramp. It then hit the top of a road sign of height 5m above the road and 30m away from the ramp. Assume that the car hit the road sign at the highest point in its trajectory.
Estimate the take-off speed of the car.

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2010-07-18 1:44 am
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Let U be the take off speed of the car , and x be the angle with the horizontal at which the car "takes off".

Consider the horizontal motion:
[U.cos(x)].t = 30 ------------------- (1)
where t is the time of flight of the car

Consider the vertical motion:
use equation of motion: v^2 = u^2 + 2.a.s
with v = 0 m/s, u = U.sin(x), a = -g, s = 5 m
hence, 0 = [U.sin(x)]^2 + 2.(-g).(5)
i.e. U.sin(x) = 10 m/s ---------------- (2)
Use equation of motion: v = u + a.t
with v = 0 m/s, u = 10 m/s, a = -g, t = ?
hence, 0 = 10 + (-g).t
i.e. t = 1 s

Therefore, from (1), U.cos(x) = 30 m/s ---------------- (3)
(2)/(3): tan(x) = 10/30
x = 18.43 degrees
hence, U = 30/cos(18.43) m/s = 31.6 m/s
2010-07-18 1:42 am
Let v be the take-off velocity of the car and θ be the angle of inclination of the velocity to the horizontal, then

Considering the vertical part of motion, since 5 m is the max. height reached by the car, we have:

0 - (v sin θ)2 = 2(-g)(5)

(v sin θ)2 = 100

v sin θ = 10

Then, the time of flight T can be found by:

(v sin θ) - 10T = 0

T = 1 s

Considering the horizontal part of motion:

(v cos θ)T = 30

v cos θ = 30

So using the Pyth. thm, v = 31.6 m/s which is the take-off speed of the car.
參考: Myself

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