I need a badass name? Help?

2010-07-16 7:38 pm
I need a badass name for my display name on my blog.

Preferably a name that incorporates these five letters: T A M A R

But if not then any other suggestion will be appreciated

回答 (4)

2010-07-16 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Willow's Branch


The Audacious/Adventurous Roars About/Around Me.

As Merciless As The Rattlesnake

More Rants About All Things

Reviews About All My Thoughts.
2010-07-17 2:56 am
to all my aging ragers
2010-07-17 2:48 am
A'ma Rant!

Mama Rant...?
2010-07-17 2:43 am
Mama Rat

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