Which brand name is better?

2010-07-15 4:23 pm
I'm doing a new leatherware business and considering 'Cumar Style' as the brand name. Some friends suggest that I may use 'Cumar-Style' instead of 'Cumar Style'. That bothers me a lot. Will be highly appreciated if anyone here could tell me which one is more professional and stylish? Thanks a lot!

any good examples of those famous brand names?

回答 (4)

2010-07-23 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
If choosing from the two names, i would prefer the Cumar Style. As we can see,all the famous brands with two words or more are without a dash between ,such as Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, Alexander Mcqueen and Bottega Veneta. What's more, It's easy to write Cumar Style without a dash. And i think the simpler the name is, the easier it is to be remembered and popularized.
2010-07-15 11:41 pm
Cumar Style, most of the famous brand names have no dashs.
2010-07-15 11:26 pm
Cumar Style, well because i dont see why there has to be a dash in between them i personally say "Cumar Style" is better =]
2010-07-15 11:25 pm
I think Cumar Style is better

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