In the 1997 comedy, Vegas Vacation, Ellen Griswold becomes infatuated with this famous Vegas singer?

2010-07-14 3:31 pm

回答 (12)

2010-07-14 4:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wayne Newton actually was infatuated with Ellen. She remained faithful to Clark despite Wayne's efforts.
2010-07-14 8:07 pm
Most likely Wayne Newton
2010-07-14 8:24 pm
Do you mean the movie where Wayne gives Ellen a lock of his hair as a special gift ????
2010-07-14 4:08 pm
I believe it was Wayne Newton
2010-07-14 3:34 pm
Wayne Newton.
2016-11-14 10:47 am
Griswold Vegas Vacation
2016-08-06 8:10 pm
It's definitely possible, that's for sure
2015-08-07 12:47 pm
This Site Might Help You.

In the 1997 comedy, Vegas Vacation, Ellen Griswold becomes infatuated with this famous Vegas singer?
參考: 1997 comedy vegas vacation ellen griswold infatuated famous vegas singer:
2010-07-15 4:40 am
Ha Ha looks like someone works at HSN!!! LOL
2010-07-14 6:11 pm
Wayne Newton.I go by his ranch three or four times a week, he has some beautiful horses out grazing.lot stop and clik pics of them.

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