
2010-07-15 7:21 am



多謝你回答,請問你條數係點計出黎? 同埋3% 利率分3年還係咪一般銀行都會做到? 真係好麻煩你丫~!


其實係咁既,情況其實係我借左朋友40萬黎買居屋,我2年半已經還哂所有錢再加左5萬俾佢當利息,我當時因為唔想問銀行做按揭係因為銀行要長時間先還哂。 咁我想問如果我真係分左10年還,咁實際上既利息同我3年還既利息係差唔遠? 同埋真係唔好意思,我本身真係唔係好識計銀行利率,我首先想問既係我唔理有無優惠利率,3%利率係咪一般銀行已經好易做到?? 另外既係例如3%為例,點計每月還幾多? 可否寫埋條數出黎???

回答 (3)

2010-07-15 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Generally speaking, either H+0.7% (i.e. ~1%) or P- 3% (i.e. = 2.25%)
Of course H has higher fluctation than P
Since you loan amount < $0.5m and the loan tenor is only 3 - 10 yrs, the actual offer rate would be much higher.

Normally is 10yrs, but this could be neogotiable.

For H + 0.7% = 1%
effective monthly rate = 0.083%
Monthly Repayment = $11,283.24
Total Interest Expense in 3yrs = $6,196.63
For P - 3% = 2.25%
effective monthly rate = 0.1875%
Monthly Repayment = $11,500.74
Total Interest Expense in 3yrs = $14,026.60

It seems it is not possible. The required interest rate would be 15.8%. this may be due to it is a personal loan without property.
loan = HK$0.5m
loan tenor = 10yrs = 120months
interest rate = 15.86%
effective monthly interest = 1.32%
Montly Repayment = HK$8,333.33

2010-07-16 13:40:41 補充:
P = original loan amount = HK$400,000.00
i = effective monthly interest
loan tenor = 3 yrs = 3 x 12months = 36months
= 10 yrs = 10 x 12months = 120months

2010-07-16 13:40:52 補充:
Monthly Repayment for 3yr-loan
P x i / {1 – [(1 + i)^-36]}
Total Interest Expense in 3yrs
36 x P x i / {1 – [(1 + i)^-36]} - P
Monthly Repayment for 10yr-loan
P x i / {1 – [(1 + i)^-120]}
Total Interest Expense in 10yrs
120 x P x i / {1 – [(1 + i)^-120]} – P

2010-07-16 13:41:14 補充:
Difference in Interest Expense
120 x P x i / {1 – [(1 + i)^-120]} – 36 x P x i / {1 – [(1 + i)^-36]}
= 12 x P x i x {10 / {1 – [(1 + i)^-120]} – 3 / {1 – [(1 + i)^-36]}}
= 12 x P x i x [(1 + i)^36] x { 10 x [(1 + i)^84] / {[(1 + i)^120] – 1} – 3 / {[(1 + i)^36] – 1}}

2010-07-16 13:41:21 補充:
= HK$4,800,000.00 x i x [(1 + i)^36] x { 10 x [(1 + i)^84] / {[(1 + i)^120] – 1} – 3 / {[(1 + i)^36] – 1}}

2010-07-16 13:42:13 補充:
For nominal annual rate = H + 0.7% = 1.03% (H = 0.33% today), i = 1.03% / 12 = 0.0858%, difference in interest = HK$14,741.61 = 3.685% of loan amount
For nominal annual rate = P - 3% = 2.25% (P = 5.25%), i = 2.25% / 12 = 0.1875%, difference in interest = HK$33,032.78 = 8.258% of loan amount

2010-07-16 13:42:27 補充:
For nominal annual rate = 3%, i = 3% / 12 = 0.25%, difference in interest = HK$44,722.16 = 11.181% of loan amount

2010-07-16 13:42:33 補充:
Please note that, for loan tenor less than 10yrs, the interest rate offered by bank would be higher, and should not be as same as that for 10yrs. Hence, the actual difference in interest should be smaller than the values above.

2010-07-16 13:42:41 補充:
For fixed interest rate mortgage (定息按揭), 3% is reasonable now because the HIBOR must go up in the coming future. The remaining question is only “when”.

2010-07-16 13:42:46 補充:
If you are risk adverse person, I think 3% is ok. If you are a risk seeker, you could choose HIBOR plan from bank. The HIBOR plan interest rate must be below 3%.
2010-07-21 5:43 pm
你好!我係郭小姐,係幫客人免費做按揭轉介服務的,新樓上會,加按轉按,我地同18間銀行合作,仲有財務公司,有興趣的可以把你的fax no. send黎我email:[email protected] 我會send本公司資料俾你俾你睇睇先,有興趣再傾都得!thank you
2010-07-15 9:02 pm
參考: Myself

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