
2010-07-15 5:54 am
我預約左時間去interview,但唔小心一野delete左個Appointment Confirmation,我應該點做?

咁係唔係我打去領事館,佢地會再send多次個Appointment Confirmation比我嫁??

回答 (2)

2010-07-18 2:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
答: 筆者建議, 立即email 到領事館, 要求re-send 有關Appointment Confirmation, 看看下列的 message, 可否有幫助? Re: Interview Appointment Confirmation Participant: Moon-light Dear Sirs, I recently requested a Travelling Document . I received your reply but unfortunately I deleted the email by mistake. Would you please re-send it to me. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.Thank you!!
參考: 月光光
2010-07-15 10:08 am
check your e mail, maybe you get another confirmation there.

next call the Embassy, they may able to confirm.
do you still remember the date and time for interview?????
if do, show up on that date and let them check for your appointment and number.

2010-07-17 07:24:59 補充:
no, they will not send you another #.
but they can make sure you do have an appointment on that time.

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