
2010-07-14 6:41 pm
L/C can be only on our conditions, and all transport fees should be payed 100% prepayment of all volume. Conditions of the LC in part of payment for coal:
The Buyer pays under the Contract, under the letter of credit according to the conditions agreed by the Parties. Payment currency – US dollars. The letter of credit should submit «to the Unified rules and customs for documentary letters of credit» (edition of 1993, the publication of the International chamber of commerce, the edition № 500).
Payments for the goods under the Contract, should be made the Buyer as follows: the Buyer exposes in favour of the Seller of irrevocable, 100 % covered on the sum of cost of the goods under the Contract, separable, transferable, the cumulative, confirmed letter of credit (executing bank - bank of the Seller) within 7 (seven) bank days after Contract signing, period of validity on Contract period of validity. Bank expenses in bank of the Seller are born by the Seller, and in bank-emitter of the Buyer - the Buyer.
Execution (disclosing) of the letter of credit occurs under documents agreed in the Contract within 3 (three) bank days after granting by the Seller of documents in executing bank.

回答 (2)

2010-07-14 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案

信用卡可以只在我們的條件,所有交通費應當以多重100%預付所有卷。信用證的條件部分中支付煤:買方支付根據合同,信用證下根據情況商定的締約方。付款貨幣 - 美元。該信用證應提交«的統一規則和海關紀錄片信用證»(1993年版,出版的國際商會,版本№500)。付款的貨物按照合同,應買方如下:買方公開贊成賣方不可撤銷,100%覆蓋的費用總和的貨物按照合同,可分,可轉讓,累積,確認信用證(執行銀行 - 銀行的賣方)於 7(七)銀行簽訂合同後日內,對合同有效期內的有效性。銀行費用銀行的賣方是由賣方出生,並在銀行排放的買方-買方。執行(公開)的信用證文件下會發生在合同中約定3(三)銀行天后發放由賣方銀行在執行的文件。
2010-07-14 7:15 pm
信用證可以僅在我們的條件下,所有運輸費用應該都是所有卷拜年 100%預付款。部分的煤付款信用證的條件:根據合同,條件根據信用證下的買方支付商定的締約方。付款貨幣 — — 美元。信用證應提交 ~ 要統一規則和海關的跟單信用證» 版 (1993 年,國際室的商務版號碼 500 發佈)。根據該的合同貨物應付款買方,如下所示: 贊成的不可撤銷的賣方買方公開,100%覆蓋的可分離、 轉讓內的合同下的貨品成本的總和、 累積、 確認信用證 (執行賣方銀行) 內 7 (七) 銀行天后合同簽字有效合同期限的有效期。賣家銀行的銀行費用是出生的賣方和銀行發射器的買受人,買受人。執行披露的信用狀發生下同意在文檔內 3 (三個) 合同銀行後,賣方的文檔中執行銀行給予天。

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