English 10分

2010-07-14 6:14 pm
Put the verb in the present continuous tense.

1.The kids____________(practise)for the taekwondo contest next week.

2.hush! I_____________(download)thr new episode of Herry Potter.

3.Look!My wife_______________(train)the puppy to bring her slippers.

4We____________(compose)a song.

Complete the sentences with the bare infinitive. Each word can be used once only.

finish talk get stay give sing take have

1.I saw Jane_______________to Miss Lee this morning.

2.My parents won't let me___________up late at night.

3.I heard the choir___________yesterday.

4.Our teacher always makes us_____________our compositions within two lessons.

5.It's fine day.Let's___________a barbecue.

6.You look so tired.Why not____________a rest?

7.Ican_______________you a lift,if you want.

8.We should__________________there before dark.


回答 (2)

2010-07-14 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.The kids is practising for the taekwondo contest next week.

2.hush! I am downloading the new episode of Herry Potter.

3.Look!My wife is training the puppy to bring her slippers.

4We are composing a song.

1.I saw Jane talk to Miss Lee this morning.

2.My parents won't let me get up late at night.

3.I heard the choir sing yesterday.

4.Our teacher always makes us finish our compositions within two lessons.

5.It's fine day.Let's have a barbecue.

6.You look so tired.Why not take a rest?

7.I can give you a lift,if you want.

8.We should stay there before dark.
2010-07-14 6:31 pm
Put the verb in present continuous tense:
1)are practising
2)am downloading
3)is training
4)are composing

Complete the sentenses with the bare infinitive.Each word can be used
once only:
1) talk
2) stay
參考: nil

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