2010-07-14 6:02 pm
新買canon mark 2,影相後RAW格式相片用相片管理軟件可以打開,但用PHOTOSHOP CS3則不能打開,為何 ? 請指教。

回答 (2)

2010-07-15 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
2010-07-20 6:07 pm
PS CS3 uses Camera Raw 4.6 which is not compatible with newer Canon models
If you have a recent Canon camera model, you MUST use PS CS4 or later
PS CS4's Camera Raw module is NOT compaible with CS3, which means you MUST use the latest PS to open raw fles from the latest camera models

2010-07-20 10:08:58 補充:
FYI PS CS3's Camera Raw module can be updated to 4.6 at best; no further versions are allowed
Camera Raw 4.6 is probably NOT compatible with camera models released after 2009

2010-07-20 10:11:12 補充:
Depending on what 相片管理軟件 you are using, the raw file module inside such 相片管理軟件 may be able to be updated periofically online, thus allowing raw files of recent camera models to be displayed

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