
2010-07-13 11:24 pm

回答 (2)

2010-07-14 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is vibrational noice. It is the noice (sound) that transmits through the building structure to the place where you stay. It is usually produced when some part of the structure is made to vibrate, e.g. by striking, drilling or the like, such vibration will be transmitted through the building structure to other parts of the building. Since sound travels faster in solids than in air and with comparatively less attenuation, vibrational noice could thus travel several storeys, causing much nuisance to occupants.
2010-07-14 3:24 am
我認為可以是隔離屋或樓上or再樓上嘈,但不會是樓下。因為你聽到嘈證明個聲音大,所以if樓下嘈我們會感振動。and 聽聲辨位 對人來說是不準確,

2010-07-13 19:25:35 補充:
sound can越層傳,but there will be energy lost
參考: 我

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