這些情況, 警察有沒有濫權??

2010-07-13 9:44 pm
1/. 由於警察權力好大, 經常自己人查自己人, 是不是表示投訴沒用, 還有什麼方法好好保障市民

2/. 警察的 "合理懷疑" 有沒有清晰精班定義, 感覺完全係 中意查就查?

3/. 市民有保持沉默的權利, 你不答他的提問, 他會不會屈你, 要求帶去警署調查?

4/. 你沒有被拘捕, 但被要求帶回警署, 你有沒有權拒絕? 如你有權, 他仍強行帶你回警署, 有什麼方法保障自己?

回答 (1)

2010-07-13 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1/. 由於警察權力好大, 經常自己人查自己人, 是不是表示投訴沒用, 還有什麼方法好好保障市民

In most country, police are monitored by a special civilian committe to make sure the power abuse or the wrong doing does not goes unpunished. By answering directly to the public or the government, that make sure the crime committed by the cops get punished.

Beside that, people can also depend on the internal committe from the police to police their own force.

2/. 警察的 "合理懷疑" 有沒有清晰精班定義, 感覺完全係 中意查就查?

"Reasonable Doubt" is used in accordance with a person's common sense. It does not mean they can do what they want, if you think that is not judged by common sense, you can object to it and demand an detail explanation on the spot or back at the station.

3/. 市民有保持沉默的權利, 你不答他的提問, 他會不會屈你, 要求帶去警署調查?

Every interview must be conducted under Video and Audio recording. If you remain silence, they cannot do said you did that, they can still charge you tho, but they cannot say you have admitted to the crime.

4/. 你沒有被拘捕, 但被要求帶回警署, 你有沒有權拒絕? 如你有權, 他仍強行帶你回警署, 有什麼方法保障自己?

Well, hire a lawyer, that's illegal detainment. Hire a lawyer and sue the police, you will get rich.

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