gammar help!!!

2010-07-13 8:32 pm
Fix the gammar

Some of the favement will be lost on roads becasue the climate and the
vehicles. The government agrees they will re-build the road every three years.
First , the workers use the big machine to take to old mineral our, burn old
mineral and put it backs on the road.
But the most affect by tarsands in the evironment are impacts on wildlife air and water quality. When the tarsands are burning. THey are blowing the bad air out, and the bad air covers all the flash air. That will affect our body when we breath
the air in. On the other hand, water is the important object in the world. If the
tarsands affect the ater quality, the water quality will descrease and affect all the
object in the world. For example: Food is important in our life every day. If we don't eat everything in one day. We will lose an energy and we con't work everyday.
Sometime, the tarsands are useful in our life. The road or some heavy material
need the. On the other hand, it will affect the environmnet around the world. So I
think human can use the tarsands when they need to use. Do not waste it and
produces pollutants
Thank you~~.

回答 (2)

2010-07-13 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some of the humus will be lost on roads becasue of climate and
vehicles. The government agrees that she will re-build roads every three years.

First,the workers use the big machine to melt old bitumen, then they
re-process and re-pave it on the roads.

But it brings impacts on air and water quality. When the bitumen is burnt, it exhausts harmful gases which does harm to the environment.
Furthermore,that affects our respiratory system when we breathe.

As we all know, water is the most important resource in the world. However,burning bitumen lower the water quality. For example, food is important in our life every day. If we don't eat everything in one day. We will lose an energy and we con't work everyday.

Though asphalt is useful in our lives.Nevertheless, it affects the nature.
In other words, I think human should use tar sands when neccessary.
Please remember not to waste it and produce pollutants.

What do you want to show in this example?
It is too exaggerated.

2010-07-13 13:32:22 補充:
Do you type a wrong word ----- favement?
2010-07-13 9:10 pm
# the one with bracket means that it was changed #

Some of the (pavements) will be lost on roads becasue (of) the climate and the
vehicles. The government agrees they will re-build the road(s) every three years.
First , the workers use the big machine to take () old mineral, (to) burn old
mineral and (to) put it (back) on the road.

But the most (severe) (effect) by tarsands in the evironment are impacts on wildlife air and water quality. When the tarsands are burning(, they) are blowing the bad air out, and the bad air covers all the (fresh) air. That will affect our body when we breath the air in. On the other hand, water is the important (stuff) in the world. If the tarsands affect the water quality (and) the water quality (descreases) (, it will affect all the things) in the world. For example: Food is important in our life (everyday). If we don't eat everything in one day(, we will lose () energy and we con't work everyday.

Sometime, the tarsands are useful in our life. The road(s) or some heavy material(s) need (them) . On the other hand, it will affect the environmnet (in)the world. So I think human (should) use the tarsands when they need to use. Do not waste it and (produce) pollutants.
參考: me

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