IELTS GT 改文 ( TASK 1)15點

2010-07-13 3:58 am
題目就係SD封信去HOTEL,, 想搵返隻手錶

Dear Sir or Madam,
I had stayed your hotel last week. I lived in the hotel from the first of June until the seven of June. When I was arrived to Hong Kong, I realized that I had lost my watch. The last time I saw my watch was in the hotel room. I think I may have left it in the room.

The watch is a man’s watch and the watch color is black. It has some jewelry on the face of the watch with a black back group.

Even the watch is not expensive, but is has sentimental value to me. It was the last gift by my grandmother gave me. Unfortunately, she passed away in an accident. I hope you can help me to find the watch. Perhaps you can ask your staff or check the lost property in case. Also, I went to restaurant and washroom before I left the hotel. Please call me if you find it. I will pay the fee for the postage. Thanks for your help.

Jim Fung

可唔可以俾埋band 同有咩改善,, 唔該哂!

回答 (2)

2010-07-13 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir/Madam,

I stayed at your hotel from 1 June to 7 June. When I arrived in Hong Kong, I discovered that I lost my watch. The last time I saw my watch was in the room I lived in. In addition, I went to the restaurant and washroom before departure.

My black male's watch embeds jewelry on its surface.Though it is not expensive,it is important to me because it was the last gift given by my grandmother. Would it be possible for you to help me find the watch? .
Please call me if you retrieve it. I will pay the fare for the postage. Your
help is greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
Jim Fung


Some of the contents are irrelevant like the part of your deceased mother.
It is because the letter should be given to the hotel manager,not your relatives.
So,you need not write so much details about your personal issue.
In other words, please think about the receiver who you write to.

One idea is quite confusing ----- with a black back group.

"Perhaps you can ask your staff or check the lost property in case"
The sentence above shows your suspicion of the stealer.
That is to say,you believe the staff of the hotel are the stealer.
Furthermore, it seems like an imperative more than a request.

"Yours sincerely" is used if you know the receiver's name.
Please add more details on your contact method like phone number
as well as the postage.

Grade you get: C
2010-07-13 4:31 am
Example : Those day I was book the Rm XXX
My telephone no is 69999999

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