Facebook Game Restaurant City

2010-07-13 1:09 am
1) How can I send food ingredients to friends two times in a day? Is 2 times the Max?

2) once I have the wall painted, the windows and fixtures on the wall, how to remove?

3) the tiles I 've fixed to the floor, how can I remove them?

4) sending ingredients to friends, I should send the one I need , not what my friends need, is the skill, is it?

5) when I go to the street, there is ? craft box, if I open them and send it, it will post to my friends E-mail, is it?

6) How to remove the orginal roof and put on a New one?

7) The facebook game, am I just playing on my own with the computer expert and not actually playing with my friends?

Thanks for helping!

回答 (2)

2010-07-13 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not sure if you're satisfy with my answers but still..XD

1) How can I send food ingredients to friends two times in a day? Is 2 times the Max?

A: You can send two food ingredients to the same person each day. Yes. 2 is max. per person. But you can send food ingredient to different people each day.

2) once I have the wall painted, the windows and fixtures on the wall, how to remove?

A: If you want to remove the items, just click on the item and then drag it to "Your Items".

3) the tiles I 've fixed to the floor, how can I remove them?

A: You have to replace it with another floor tiles.

4) sending ingredients to friends, I should send the one I need , not what my friends need, is the skill, is it?

A: You should send the ingredients that your friends need not what you need.

5) when I go to the street, there is ? craft box, if I open them and send it, it will post to my friends E-mail, is it?

A: They will receive a message from Facebook and from their e-mail if you send a gift.

6) How to remove the orginal roof and put on a New one?

A: You will have to buy a new roof and then place the new roof on the old one.

7) The facebook game, am I just playing on my own with the computer expert and not actually playing with my friends?

A: It depends on which game you're playing. But if you're playing game such as Restaurant City, it's an online game that everyone plays.
參考: myself
2010-07-14 5:09 am
1). Use your other E-mail to open another facebook account , than use that account to send the ingredients to your friends.
2). Use the layout to clear off all the things in your restaurant.
4). Use the layout to clear off all the things in your restaurant.
5). No, it will post on your friend's wall.
6). Sorry, I cannot help you.
7). Sorry, I cannot help you.
8). Sorry, I cannot help you.
9). a
10). Sometimes when you help your friends, the computer will ask you to send some money to your friends.
參考: me

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