
2010-07-09 8:32 pm
我係一個澳門既女仔, 做左野年幾, 想去英國進修一下同埋羅經驗。
第一個月進修英文, 第二個月就係進修pr 或者business + culture之類既course
期間想做下parttime 同埋搵野做,但依家環球經濟唔好, 我擔心辭左份工之後回流澳門好難搵野做。

1. 目的地係倫敦或伯明翰,當地既治安係點? 如果我一個女仔過去會唔會好危險?

2. 一般既生活費係幾多?又可以透過咩途徑搵到分租房?? (EG:交通﹑食宿)

3.我唔打算參加EF一類既代理, 我想請問呢個情況下,我有咩方法可以搵到本土一D好既持續進修基構?我有MAIL TO英國文化協會, 佢地比左D資料我,但始終相隔太遠, 有無意見?

4. 假設我係一個學生, 我想係酒店或者一D咖啡室到做下PARTTIME, 人工平

5. 最後我係希望留係當地工作, 大概一年至年半時間, 從事PR或會展工作,會唔會好難搵到相關工作??同埋我要搞邊類型既簽證?

6.依家去英國機票大概幾錢? 邊間航空較好?

回答 (2)

2010-07-19 5:21 am
酒店或者一D咖啡室到做下PARTTIME, 人工平






你想知多d可以call 我 98359747 koey
2010-07-12 1:05 pm
1. London and Birmingham, and Manchester have the biggest Chinese community in the UK. Everywhere in the world you need to be careful (and don't trust people easily!!!!). London has the highest level of rent. B'ham is slightly lower. On average, it's 120 pounds/week per room. I suggest you to live in the halls of residence first, that's safer to start. and when you get to know more people you will be able to move out and find somebody to share.

2. Spending a month to brush up you English is probably too short. If you are interested in PR or marketing, then why not sign up for a 1-year programme? so you will learn English while you study the subject. It doesnt' help much if you spend the first month learning English, and expect yourself to be fluent the 2nd month. It doesn't work this way.

3. Travelling - you should expect around 700-1000 pounds a year to cover the train. If you walk that's different.

4. finding job is very difficult nowadays under the new law. If you're on a student visa, you won't be able to work (unless you are holding a Portugal passport - then you are treated as an EC citizen). if you're thinking about PR, you must have very good English otherwise it's impossible. Also, unless you you're doing some shortage skills work (e.g. geotechnical engineering).

5. flight ticket from HK to London: from HKD 7000+.

My advice is, if you have spare money, do a 1-year diploma. If money is tight, go to Australia instead, because you can stretch your money longer. some areas in Aust may offer you to stay as resident if you study a course which offers a skill they need. You need to do some research here.

Wherever you go, I would ask people to visit a chinese church so you get to know some people there. Best wishes.
參考: I live in the UK

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