點解決 "The URL has been blocked"

2010-07-09 3:26 am
上唔到facebook, 只出現一句 "The URL has been blocked", 請問可以點解決, 謝謝

回答 (2)

2010-07-09 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can go to pzeg.com, then paste www.facebook.com on the pzeg.com's blank, not cover pzeg.com
2010-07-09 6:08 pm
You should visit the facebook at office, am I right? You company have blocked the facebook website, in fact, you can bypass it using any personal or public poxy server. BUT your company can identify who use it to by pass the network setup.

Therefore, I don't suggest you to do so.

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