
2010-07-08 4:27 pm
我女朋友是香港人有香港身份証同咪有(british citizen)既passport,英國讀書現住英國。我是男有香港身份証同咪有BNO(british national overseas)既passport,香港工作現住香港。有野請教如下,謝謝回覆。 :)
1)她有英國身份証ma? 如沒有她可以拎英國身份証 ma?
2) (british citizen)是不是等於英國公民?可以留英國幾耐都得?可以工作?
3)如果我們結婚,我可以變做(british citizen)ma? 如果可以,咩程序?
4)我們可以在英國定居and 開自己的鋪頭ma?

謝謝回覆。 :)

回答 (3)

2010-07-08 5:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)她有英國身份証ma? 如沒有她可以拎英國身份証 ma?

UK stop issuing National ID a year ago.

2) (british citizen)是不是等於英國公民?可以留英國幾耐都得?可以工作?

yes and yes

3)如果我們結婚,我可以變做(british citizen)ma? 如果可以,咩程序?

yes, she need to be working in the UK to sponsor spouse to the UK. If she is studying now and she does not have significant asset inUK or a steady job, she cannot sponsor you to the UK.

Once she can proof to the home office that she is financially stable, she can start appling for Settlement Visa for you.

It will take about 5 years for you to become British Citizen. (2 years LLR + 3 years ILR)


it does notmatter, but get married in HK is better cos you need to apply for a marriage license to get married inthe UK.

4)我們可以在英國定居and 開自己的鋪頭ma?

you can do whatever the hellyou want when both of you are British Citizens

2010-07-10 10:59:32 補充:
Bascially your girl friend need to satisify 4 requirment of Home Office (Immigration) before she can lodge the application for you to settle in the UK.

1.) She must be 21 years old (18 if served in the Military)
2.) She must be legallymarried and plan to live with you

2010-07-10 11:01:54 補充:
3.) She can support her, you and any dependent child
4.) She must provide accommodation for you anyd any dependent

Once your girl friend satisified all 4 requirment, she can apply for a settlement visa for you. The initial visa is a 27 months visa. However, you only need to live in the UK for 2 years

2010-07-10 11:03:18 補充:
to get settlement.

Then Home office will grant you an ILR (PR) status when you have lived in UK with your spouse during the 2 years initial period.

You can apply Citizenship when you pass an English Test (from June 2010) and LIUK Test after you lived in the UK for 3 years with your ILR

2010-07-10 11:04:34 補充:
Thanks Lool 答案好實用,但問題 3)我仲想知多小小,(2 years LLR + 3 years ILR)是不是要先在香港結婚再伸請結婚簽證到英國先開始計?

As i said before, you can get married anywhere, but the time (2 +3) only start when you are granted a valid Leave to Enter for you to go to the UK.

2010-07-10 11:06:37 補充:

There are finace visa avaliable, but normally, you only apply them if you wish to get married in the UK, as i am against getting married in the UK, so i am against this visa.

2010-07-10 11:07:26 補充:
如果佢開左鋪頭,我可唔可以用(1year work +1year can't work) 既簽證在英國陪女朋友? thanks Lool

Do you mean the Tier 5 Youth mobility Scheme? Of course you can, if you are under 30 years of age
參考: I am a British Citizen myself
2010-07-14 4:01 pm
it is not like that
if you live in UK before, you should know

esp if one is white

irony -- Bon dia. Honi soit qui mal y pense

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2010-07-08 4:47 pm
除了有同性婚姻法的四個國家, 全球有超過二十個國家有同性伴侶法, 雖然同性伴侶法包括近乎同性婚姻法的所有條文但並非同性婚姻, 已同性伴侶法的注冊証書只注明二人關係為“伴侶”, 不是 “結婚”. 同性伴侶法在國際上的影響力比同性婚姻法更少, 但對定居海外(尤以英美澳紐)的港人絕對有用.

同性伴侶與異性婚姻的注冊程序是差不多的, 在當地聯絡地方注冊處, 他們會給你們指引. 切記, “婚姻”大事絕不兒嬉, 當你們決定了結婚是你們的方向時, 這是一些資料以供參考:

1)英國 (Great Britain)



i. 二人均年滿18歲, 16-17歲要獲家長同意書



iv.申請日後第十五日獲發同性伴侶注冊通告(civil partnership notice)


vi.安排在當地教堂行禮或在當地大會堂(City Hall)排期簽紙, 在大會堂簽紙費用為四十英磅

vii.婚姻証簽發一年內完成 (vi)

丙、領使館注冊—數個英國領使館能為英國公民(至少一人為英國公民)作同性伴侶注冊, 如駐日本、澳洲、越南等, 香港政府已不洽當為由拒絕香港英國領使館在港提供這服務的申請

丁、福利—在英國獲得與異性婚姻權利大致相同, 如其中一人為英國公民或永久居民, 可為伴侶申請移民

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