What are the best unis for Media/Journalism in Europe?

2010-07-07 8:57 am

回答 (2)

2010-07-08 1:41 am
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Anarchism and the 350 parts per a million reduction group. All about stopping Global Warming.
Anarchism could just be discussing Thomas Paine and applying Rights of Man to democratize religion
make elected religious officials with limited terms in office. To change power structure.
An Anarchist magazine could be the best University in Europe.
Also a response to people saying U.N. ineffective which would be to explain unless revolutionary the U.N. cannot act . Also about ridiculousness of separate armed forces in world which Thomas Paine
who wrote on The French Revolution shared similar views to those espoused now.
Political theory works in 21st Century same as in 1789 when Paine wrote his book.
參考: Rights of Man Thomas Paine, Anarchism, derived ideas.
2010-07-07 4:18 pm
If you want to be a journalist it is best to study an English degree, people don't take media studies and journalism degrees very seriously. People always say media studies is a micky mouse subject, I know it doesn't really seem fair to disparage someones subject.

Have a look at:

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