whats the absolute value of |-2+3| ?
回答 (11)
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|-2+3| = |3-2| = |1| = 1
the absolute Value sign | | simply makes the result inside positive.
So -2+3 = 1 which is already positive. Hence the Abs. Val of 1 is itself, that is , 1
However, as another example, if the question was |2-3| = ?
then 2-3 = -1 , which is negative, absoulate value of -1 is simply 1 (the signs | | got rid of the negative sign)
參考: me
An absolute value is a numbers distance from zero, so -2+3 =1 and 1's distance from zero is 1.
hahahahaha, two points
The numbers inside the absolute bars are real numbers which are always positive. Indeed the answer is 1.
1 --
參考: I just know from previous Algebra Courses
the absolute value of 1=1
It is 5 or -1. This is because when you do absolute value you have two possible equations. So for this you would write, -2+3 and 2+(-3).
收錄日期: 2021-05-03 14:25:01
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