Essential Grammar in Use

2010-07-06 9:24 pm
好似係Cambridge University出既


回答 (2)

2010-07-07 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This book is in the "in use" series.
For Grammar(British English):
1. Essential Grammar in Use(Edition: 3)
Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises (Edition: 2)
2. English Grammar in Use(Edition: 3)
English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises(Edition: 2)
3. Advanced Grammar in Use(Edition: 2)
Advanced Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises(Edition: 1)

For Vocabulary(British English):
1. Academic Vocabulary in Use(Edition: 1)
2. English Collocations in Use Intermediate(Edition: 1)
3. English Idioms in Use Intermediate(Edition: 1)
4. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate(Edition: 1)
5. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced(Edition: 1)
6. English Vocabulary in Use: Elementary(Edition: 1)
7. English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced(Edition: 1)
8. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate(Edition: 2)
9. English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-intermediate and Intermediate(Edition: 2)
10. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Elementary(Edition: 1)
11. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced(Edition: 1)
12. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate(Edition: 1)
13. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-intermediate and Intermediate(Edition: 1)

For Pronunciation and Professional English will not use too earlt.
If you want to have a basic grammar book, I suggest you to buy Essential Grammar in Use and English Grammar in Use.
Both of them is about $100-$150
2010-07-07 4:45 pm


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