英文文法-would not 使用

2010-07-06 5:59 pm
They wouldn't work with us 他們不願意跟我們工作
They couldn't work with us 他們不能跟我們工作

請問在would not / could not 之後的動詞是用present tense, pass tence 定其他 ?

回答 (3)

2010-07-06 6:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實在would not或could not等modal verb(情態動詞)或auxiliary(助動詞)後,不會用甚麼past tense或present tense,這些詞之後,都會用原形動詞(bare infinitive)

順便一提,在verb to be之後,就要用(present infinitive 或past infinitive)

2010-07-06 6:32 pm
現在~ 佢地2個後果d野不變
參考: 文法
2010-07-06 6:17 pm
It must be present tense because of the word "not".

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