Guys only please. I'm a girl that needs advice asap.?

2010-07-05 11:04 pm
okay so i seriously don't know what to do:( I have a boyfriend, and we've been dating for about a week almost two, and he really screwed up. Idk whether or not to believe him, but he drank a fifth of vodka and went and got a blo j0b... and he said that he thought of me and pushed the girl off of him and it only lasted two minutes. But still :/ he's said he's sorry about 20 times. I really like him.. and he said he'd stop drinking.. but I don't know what i should do.. Idk if i should break up with him or not.. this is my first real boyfriend.

Please please please anyy advice would be great.

回答 (10)

2010-07-05 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well if he came to you and told you about it like that hes probably seriously sorry and doesnt want to loose you. if he didnt care about you he wouldnt have told you. him being honest shows he didnt want you to find out from somebody else. i would have done the same thing if i really cared about a girl and i made a mistake like that.
2016-09-09 10:03 am
Ahh sure, I simply love the ones whipped, guys who prefer to stick with ladies who deal with them like crap. Don't get me incorrect, us ladies are simply as responsible of this too. A lot of those nagging, abusive ladies take those guys without any consideration with the mind-set that they are going to by no means depart them. Is Jim married to Shannon or in an in any other case dedicated courting along with her? If so, then I could backpedal, however from the sound of it, it feels like he isn't married to her, considering that he's inviting you over to his house. Unfortunatley, while any individual is so madly in love with any individual (despite any individual like Shannon) It is difficult to show their concentration towards us. Only Jim could make the determination to get up and discover that he's in an dangerous courting with Shannon. Kind of the equal concept as a drug addict making the determination to give up making use of. Only he can come to a decision while he's competent to transport on. He will comprehend it in his middle. Until then, simply be a well pal to him, decline his invites to his apartment till Shannon is utterly out of the photo, and he's going to on the whole start to view you as a best pal who could make best female friend fabric.
2010-07-05 11:32 pm
If I were you I would probably end it. He may be cute and nice and sweet and all, but he still let another girl.... you know. I mean if he is really in love with you or likes you, you know that wouldn't have happened.
2010-07-05 11:13 pm
A man and women can be married for many years and have over a thousand children, but as soon as the women has another child with a different man, she does not love her husband.

He is taking you for granted, it is unmanly and not right.
2010-07-05 11:10 pm
he cheated thats wrong and once a cheater always a cheater dont trust him he maybe a nice guy but you may not really know him im not judging him becuz i dont know him and thats not right but he went with another girl just to get a bl0w j0b. good luck.
2010-07-05 11:08 pm
weeelll, eventhough im a girl, i would say stay with him and see how that goes. since its only been two weeks, its still easy to get out of the relationship. But if your honestly really hurt by it and dont think you can get over it, leave him. Because if you stay together for a super long time your going to be paranoid about him every time he goes out. The best of luck to you! :D
2010-07-05 11:08 pm
If you seriously love him, give him a chance. If this is the first time it'd happen, he deserves a chance. If you don't believe him, it's time to end the relationship. A relationship without trust is a bad relationship.

If he didn't really like you, he wouldn't have told you about the incident. You should check with other girls he's been with before and his friends to see if he's had a past of getting sexual with a lot of girls and if he's gotten drunk before too. If he has a history of drinking and such, I don't think you should trust him and should just break up with him before he breaks your heart some more.

If you give him a chance, you will have to seriously put this incident behind you. Otherwise, it will ruin the relationship anyways. But if he drinks even a bit, I think you should break up with him. He promised he'd stop drinking but if he drinks, it means his will is not strong enough and it's time to move on.
2010-07-05 11:08 pm
give him the push, sounds like a dork
2010-07-05 11:07 pm
I would trust him and believe him. he sounds like hes telling the truth
2010-07-05 11:07 pm
Do yourself a favor and end this now.

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