Fallout 3 :If i kill Mr.burke from the very start , will his hired talon mercs track me down ?

2010-07-05 3:35 pm
Fallout 3 :If i kill Mr.burke from the very start , will his hired talon mercs track me down ?
I've heard that disarming the bomb Mr. Burke will contract them to kill you. Telling Lucas Simms about Mister Burke will also have them tracking you down.But if i kill him from the start of the game
,will the talon company mercs still hunt me down ?

回答 (7)

2010-07-05 3:39 pm
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Well Fallout 3 is all about consequence so yes and if not the Talon Mercs it wil be others. But eventually someones gonna hate you so it may as well be them.
If you worried about getting hunt down sit in a house with a Fat Man pointed at the Door.
2010-07-05 8:54 pm
Yes, you will probably get Talon Mercs after you. But if you have a good karma and is a good character in the game then they will hunt you down anyway. They are not very hard to kill and they only track you donw in a group of 3 (if they all survived the wasteland). So don't worry when you are a higher level and are better at the game they are just like killing radroaches. Kill Mr. Burke because he is an evil bastard and deserves to die!
參考: my gameplay
2016-12-13 2:05 am
Mister Burke
2016-09-28 10:05 pm
Mr Burke
2010-07-06 8:39 am
I don't know if they will under different circumstances, but they did not attack me. I killed him after I blew up Megaton and the only people who attacked me were Allistar Tenpenny and the security guard on that floor.
參考: Experience
2010-07-06 6:43 am
Yes...disarming the bomb will trigger "hitman" regardless if you kill him. They labeled as such and are usually standing around a building or entrance. Regular mercs will sometimes appear right outside the door as you walk out if you have good karma.
2010-07-05 4:36 pm
mercs are evrywhere, if u go to the market by megaton they will be there , even if u havent killed mr burke. Mr burke just helps u decide where you wanna stay. I think the mercs are hired by the vault 101 headmaster, not sure....

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