
2010-07-06 6:33 am
This letter pertains to the immigrant visa petition filed on behalf of DAI MAN CHAN .The specific information concerning your registration is noted at the end of the letter.

Because of a recent change in your visa classification or a change in the dates used to begin the visa application process, visa numbers are not presently available for your visa category. You will be notified when further consideration can be given to processing your application for immigration. The reason for this delay is that there are more applicants for visas than there are immigrant visa numbers available in your category under the limitation prescribed by law. For some visa categories, for example F3 or F4, this delay could be many years. Should you wish to know which priority dates are currently being processed, you may check the State Department's website at http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi_bulletincurrent.html or call the State Department's Visa Office at (202)663-1541.

You are cautioned that the beneficiary MUST NOT make any firm plans, such as disposing of property, giving up jobs, or making travel arrangements at this time. We have no way of predicting when it will be possible to progress with the immigrant visa application.

You need not check with us further unless you need to report a change of address or a change in your personal situation that may affect your entitlement to an immigrant visa.

回答 (4)

2010-07-06 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
叫你等通知. 個 visa number 未開始排期, 因為之前改過 visa 申請日期或者改左visa 身分. 如果你想知究竟移民局用邊個日期申請你個移民visa , 可以上o個個網址查或者打電話.

叫你唔好作任何改變, 例如離職或者買定機票. 因為唔知要等幾耐先搞你個 visa 申請.

如果你唔係要改地址或者係會影響到你申請移民 visa o既個人情況(例如突然結婚/ 離婚), 你就等消息喇.

等o下喇. 移民係慢d.
2010-07-06 11:18 pm


參考: hkslot
2010-07-06 8:53 pm

由於最近的變化在您的簽證類別或改變日期用來開始簽證申請程序,簽證人數目前沒有可用於您的簽證類別。您將會收到通知時,可以考慮進一步給予處理您的申請移民。這種延遲的原因是,有更多的簽證申請者比有移民簽證號碼可在您的類別下的限制由法律規定。對於某些簽證類別,比如F3或F4鍵,這種延遲可能需要許多年。如果你想知道哪些優先權日期,目前正在處理,您可以檢查國務院的網站 http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi_bulletincurrent.html或致電國務院簽證辦公室(202)663-1541


2010-07-06 5:50 pm



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