Am I truly making the right move?

2010-07-04 9:09 pm
Hubby and I have been together for 11 years. We have had many problems, like most marriages do. But we always managed to get past them. He had been unfaithful. One of our major issues was finances. He doesn't seem to keep a job for long periods of time. He quits before he has a new one and then the burden of our finances rests on me. I lost my job April 2009 and he quit his in May. We have been existing on my unemployment benefits. Those are now gone. My daughter moved away a few weeks ago with my grandchildren and that has been overwhelmingly difficult for me to deal with on top of our financial situation. I have been unable to find a job and to be quite honest he barely looks. I have lost myself and my inner strength over the years. I have made the decision to move out of state to start over and focus on getting healthy and taking care of myself for a change. He is not coming with me. He claims that once I am settled, he will come for a few weeks and check things out. He will talk to some employer's and see what comes out of it. I told him that is his "out". That since he is not promising to move, only to visit, he will use that as his excuse. He says no and that he gives his word. We have NEVER been alone as a married couple. Always had my daughter or his handicapped mother or both. Despite all that has happened I just don't feel like our marriage is over and he says the same. But I still have this nagging doubt and would like some kind of reassurances.

I know that on the surface our relationship sounds horrible. But these things that have occurred have been over 11 years. We still love each other very much. When I discuss the relocation, he actually says that he is excited about a new start. But I still have this nagging feeling that once I leave, he won't come. Perhaps it is my own insecurities and we have discussed that. He says that he can't promise he will move there until he checks it out. I told him that is his "out". He says no, it isn't. He says that once he is there and finds out about a job, he will stay. He absolutely LOVES towing, but no jobs in that industry where we are now. And quite a few where I am going. I am NOT looking to support him for the rest of my life. I know it should be equal. But vows are sacred and you just don't walk away when things get tough or stay tough for awhile. Just don't know how to get rid of the nagging feeling.

回答 (10)

2010-07-04 9:12 pm
I think you are making the right move and I think you are right to tell him he needs to decide about his commitment to the marriage before you go. He can come later but he should decide now.

Sounds to me like he's afraid to be a real grown up in some way. It's time.
2010-07-04 9:11 pm
It's over....

Or maybe the time will do both some good but I do not think it will... Sorry
2010-07-04 9:33 pm
once you move out and leave him then, yes, your marriage is over. sounds like this is the first time in your life you'll live alone. it's about time.
2010-07-04 9:18 pm
Your marriage was over a long time least for him. He's been basically getting a free ride, and is able to do whatever he wants, like screwing other women, without any repercussions. Of course he doesn't want to lose that. You're right in focusing on you. He's sucking the life out of you, and don't even give him the option of coming with you. Go alone, for your mental, physical, spiritual, and fiscal health.
2010-07-04 9:18 pm
what a loser and a user. hell come along after you did all the work of settling, hell sleep late everyday, then makes excuses why he cant work, he is an 18 year old teenager.
but on him it isnt cute.
no forget him, HE should provide the new place and the financial responsibilities.
instead you let him be a couch potato
2010-07-04 9:15 pm
I think this is exciting a gutsy! Good for you. I wish I had the nerve to move. I'm not married but I have a job that I hate and I live in a neighborhood that has changed and I'm not happy here at all. The only thing keeping me is my church. I think that's so cool when people have the guts to move and I hope you do it!!! I don't have much respect for people who just up and quit their jobs like he does without nothing waiting in the wings.
So go out and try it and I'll be praying for you. Seriously.
2010-07-04 9:43 pm
it's over.......
ideally you have the courage to face it.....

sounds like he's a freeloading loser
2010-07-04 9:22 pm
Girl, I have only read this once, so I will be as honest as I can about this. I know how frustrated you are with your husband. It seems that he has put you through some things. I don't know how you stay with him and he has been unfaithful... I have learned that when a man cheats on you once! never go back! Because, he will do it again, to you. There is something about you, that causes him to think he can treat you this way. And just because you lost your job, doesn't mean he should have quit his. This is where we need to let go, and take care of ourselves. I know that guys have their ways of luring us in and treating us bad, and we just can't seem to let go. But it's our nature to be this way as women, and it is in their nature to be assholes! When you start respecting yourself...and not let any other man treat you this way... I mean if a guy hurts you in any way, let go.... Because we always do our best to find out what's wrong with our men, or try to make and keep them happy, but we get no reward, but heartache. So, it's time to turn the tables, and you treat yourself the best you can. And God will send you mr.Right.
參考: Life Experience. I have been on both ends as a female, lost jobs, cheated, and been treated badly by men.
2010-07-04 9:21 pm
Sounds like you've made the right decision. no one likes to face the death of a marriage, especially with so many years invested, but when it's over one needs to grieve . Been there.
參考: Personal experience
2010-07-04 9:20 pm
Your husband is a man child, unwilling to grow up and assume the responsibilities of a father and husband. He has always counted on you and your job to support him. The burden of carrying him through life has sapped your inner strength. This is what is making you sick. You are right to move away from him to reclaim your honor, your independence and your spirit. If you are successful, marriage to this man will not be satisfactory. You will want to share your life with a man who shares your sense of responsibility and your desire to life.

If you are lucky, your husband will never join you when you move. If he does, he will resume his role as leech, waiting for you to provide for him and tell him what to do. Your marriage to him was over when he stopped honoring and respecting you by holding down a job and carrying his share of responsibility.

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