Does money mean everything to you?

2010-07-04 1:19 pm
I know money is necessary to live. But there are more important things than money.

Would money make you very happy? Or just a simple contented life (not rich but not poor), and you're happy?

回答 (10)

2010-07-04 2:21 pm
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Not Everything, but it does mean Something to me! And I'm sure its the same for Everyone else!

Money or lack of it...can create serious problems in relationships!

I'm not after money but I don't disrespect it either. I like to take good care of it and not squander. I like to help people, but only upto a limit.

Would money make me very happy?

NO! Money alone will not...but what you can do with money on your side could keep some worries away...that's for sure!!!

Yes, just a simple life with money AND your loved ones, is enough to keep me happy :))
2010-07-04 1:45 pm
No, it doesn't have a hold over me at all, and it never did, not even when I was dirt poor (as a student).
I am just not a very materialistic person.
The things that enchant and delight me are not materialistic things.

I know that I have enough. I find it tremendously sad when people never ever reach that point of knowing they have "enough", but instead are consumed by greed, and embark upon an eternal quest for "more".
2010-07-04 4:26 pm
NO - Its not everything, money rates after wife, myself, health and well being, quality of Life.

Does money make me happy - yes, it gets me what i want without begging, borrowing or stealing.

Im living a content, simple Life without major bills, paid house, car, truck, dog, cats and owe no one money. Im not rich nor poor - but money is a factor in ones life.
2010-07-04 1:36 pm
Money would make me happy. My 63-year-old father can barely afford to pay the bills, I've got no college fund, I have to pay my school fees in 10-dollar installments and I haven't eaten proper nutritious food in weeks.
2016-12-18 5:48 am
No, because of the fact in lots of situations those with quite some money artwork very no longer ordinary to administration it. even nonetheless, i might argue that money buys you time. The asserting that "time is money" became into coined for a reason.
2010-07-04 2:00 pm
money means nothing to me

i use money in order to buy food and survive and thats only because this is how our system works

i dont find hapiness in money

knowledge is what makes me really happy
2010-07-04 1:45 pm
I'm already very happy with my life, so I guess money would just fuel that happiness, it would also open interesting opportunities for me i.e. traveling and charity funding. I do not, however, believe more money would make you much happier in life if you were already unhappy, unless your unhappiness was directly related to your dept or money troubles.
2010-07-04 1:35 pm
sadly enough a lot of people think so! the pursuit of money ...can leave you feeling pretty empty for decades. that means every decision you make is based on money and materialistic need ...which tends to interfere with what'struly important in your life.
If you talk to any important figure ...Oprah, Buffet, Steven Hawkins ..even tiger ...they tell you that they followed their dreams and they pursued the thing they felt most strongly about in their life(not money!!!!).
the greeks did not write an bio at the end of a person's life ...they just asked "did the person had PASSION????" what's yours .....
2010-07-04 6:57 pm
I'd be happy with a cup of coffee and a sunrise.
2010-07-04 5:10 pm
No, there are many other important things that one needs to fill the life in reality.

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