Q1. 我想問for後面幾時跟gerund,幾時跟動詞原形。
It is a good time for traveling. It is a good time for a travel.
Q2. oil是uncountable noun 為何我的教科書會寫plant oils?
Q3. 在什麼時候uncountable noun可用作countable?
E.g. Have you had a good time, Henry? ~ I've had a wonderful time, Mary, thanks.
E.g. Could you get some cakes for tea? ~ How many shall I get? ~ Well, there are six of us so get about a dozen.
Q4. I was full but still had three chocolates from the box和 I was full but still had three bars of chocolate from the box 是否一樣意思?
Q5. two slices of beef和two packets of seeds
為何beef和seed兩字會一個加s,一個不加? 哪有什麼準則知道應加或不加?
Q 5. I feel lucky to have been given the chance to answer so many questions.
這句是用什麼tense, to have been given
Q6. The mismatch is probably what brought his success,……
句中的what可否省略? 此句是否relative clauses?
Q7. You may be thinking there are enough…..
此句用了什麼tense>>may be thinking. 這個tense有什麼用?
Q8. You can be born with it.