英文+ing的問題 快入!~

2010-07-05 4:26 am
1.……many reason for not taking part….. (for後面是否一定ing?)
2.…….assist Tai Po hospitals in treating drug abusers. (in後面是否一定ing?)
3.…….have been found guilty of not complying with an education bureau order.
4.The government has been carrying out publicity…..
5.……as well as viewing it from…..
6.We think being ignorant is equal to being stupid.
7.They usually waste a lot of time just finding motivation.
我不太明白為什麼以上句子的verb要加ing. 請各位詳細解釋 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2010-07-05 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Definitely yes, a preposition must be followed by a gerund.

2. As abovementioned.

3. Please notice that "of" is a preposition in the clause.

4. Passive Voice is wrongly used in the clause. It must be
active voice because the subject is the government

5. It sounds a little bit strange because of collocation --- viewing.

6. It is because "to" can be a preposition. "Think" absolutely is
a verb,not a gerund.Gerund must be come in the form of " verb + ing".

7. It is because " ...waste + time / money + gerund " is a fixed pattern.
It is equal to the "have + difficulty + gerund" pattern.

Key Grammar points:

When you see a preposition,you have to use a gerund as the examples
show above.

When you want to turn an action ( verb ) into a noun, then you need to
write in the form of gerund like going to supermarkets.

Hope that you will find it useful.

2010-07-07 6:44 am
你問的問題為何加ing,其實同英文的法則有關:一句句子只能有一個動詞 。
例如 題一,There are(動詞) many reasons for not taking(不能用take,因為take是一個動詞,這樣便一個句子有兩個動詞了。為了避免這個問題,用上taking,因為taking係一個動名詞即係帶有動作性質的名詞。)
答 :不可以,習慣上一定是後面的+ing。
題6 是有少少不同。
這句子可以分為兩parts .
we think it is correct.~~we think being ignorant is equal to being stupid.
>>it is correct~~~being ignorant(作為名詞phrase) is equal to being stupid((作為名詞phrase)

note. think 不是gerund是動詞, gerund一定是有ing跟尾。(gerund中文名是動名詞)

參考: 自己
2010-07-05 4:55 am
1) for = perposition in this senten you must add ing.
2) in = perposition in this senten you must add ing.
5) after as ___ as we usually add ing.
#### We always add ing after perposition this is a form.
6) in this senten if you add that inside is will change to 'We think that being ignorant is equal to being stupid.' you can add or do not add that inside so think is not gerund. Also to = perposition in this senten you must add ing.

hope i can help you!!!!!!!!!! :)
參考: myself

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