留學法國邊個護照最方便 BNO/特區/澳洲

2010-07-04 8:26 pm
本人打算9月前往法國讀MASTER(1年), 現有三國護照 (BNO/特區/澳洲) , 其中BNO已過期, 想請問如果我續返本BNO會唔會節省O左攞STUDENT VISA個程序, 同埋將來方便於歐盟各國旅遊會唔會方便D.

因為聽講法國人辦事效率低, 所以如果BNO方便D我會續返本BNO, 如果唔得既澳洲護照同特區護照邊本方便D? 我住布理斯班, 要用澳洲護照申請法國簽証要去CANBERRA, 係香港申請又要有2次INTERVIEW .. 諗起都煩, 希望各位幫忙!!!

回答 (2)

2010-07-04 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
technically speaking. Unless your BNO have ILR entry Stamp or ILE visa (Proof of Permanent Residence) all 3 passport are the same (By the way, they don't call it student visa in France, they call it Long Temperory Visa for Study in france)

Unless you are settled in UK, all 3 (BNO, HKSAR and Australian Passport) require a visa to enter France for the purpose of 1 year.

Once you get your Visa, you can travel up and down any EU state without any visa later on anyway, so all 3 passport are the same

The only place in the world where BNO, HKSAR and Australian passport is different is to US and New Zealand.

Cos US does have visa waiver program and treaty visa quota for Australian Citizens and New Zealand sees an Australian Passport as they have Permanent Residence right in NZ.

Other than NZ and US, there are no different what so ever between BNO, HIKSAR and Australian Passport

2010-07-04 17:36:05 補充:
well, but you have no choice.

2010-07-04 17:37:12 補充:
you will need a visa to stay in france for that period of time, i don't think you need to apply for a visa in person in Canberra tho, i am not sure, will get back to you on that soon.
參考: i am an US, Australian British Citizens by birth and i also have Swedish Citizenship via my swedish wife.
2010-07-06 6:53 am
你那三個護照「價值」都是一樣...我覺得你要選擇一個地點的法國領事館申請簽證...我不清楚CANBERRA的領事館是怎樣..但我在香港申請時就只有一次interview(核對你的applied form+留學文件etc)....幾分鐘就搞掂啦..而且4個工作天就可以拿到student visa啦...算快手啦!

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