Best way to level a dirt section without a rototiller?

2010-07-03 7:20 pm
I have a fairly small irregular section of dirt about 20 square feet or so. I've spent the last six weeks killing the Bermuda grass and it is finally all dead and I can start moving the dirt around.
The problem is that the ground is very uneven. There are some raised areas and some indented areas. Should I turn it to mud and then move the loose soil around?
The dirt is quite hard underneath a fine powdery soil.

回答 (2)

2010-07-03 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Either shave off the high spots and rake them into the low spots or bring in some top soil to raise the low areas up to the high ones.
2010-07-03 11:34 pm
I would buy some topsoil and fill in the low spots. It will be a lot easier then tilling or shaving the high spots.

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