how long can a break last for?

2010-07-02 1:09 am
my bf took a break from the relationship for him selve he said we r not breaking up , but its been almost 2 month now . how long should i let this go on for?

we talk during to break. but not as we use to. i do tell him how i feel he said hes goin though something and i should give him some space

回答 (12)

2010-07-02 1:13 am
I've answered a question that was similar to this except, a break turned into a breakup because he never contacted her back. 2 months is way too long for a break and usually a break is just an easy way out of a relationship. He probably suggested the break because he wasn't too sure what to do with the relationship, but during his break he probably made up his mind and didn't bother telling you because he thought you were probably over him already. You should contact him right now and ask him what's up, do you still want to be boyfriend.girlfriend or did you decide it was over a long time ago. Once you get your answer, you'll go from there. If he says he doesn't want to continue with the relationship, holla at me for some breakup advice.
2010-07-02 1:11 am
Take him back NOW. If he says no, he's not worth the wait. Break it off with him.
2010-07-02 1:20 am
Alright, my boyfriend and I have been talking about this same stuff. We've hit a rough spot in our relationship and didn't know what to do. He constantly asked me what I thought we should do. He suggested a break, not a break up. I said sure, if thats what he wanted to do. Therefore a break isn't always a break-up.
Your situation on the other hand, seems like a break up... Two months is just too long. I suggest talking to him about this.
2010-07-02 1:19 am
sorry to me a break is a break up ---- if you cant sort out your problems together then there is no relationship anyway ---- this is preparation for marriage and in marriage you dont have "breaks" ---- you sort out your problems --- you talk them out ---- you dont run away --- so the answer is breaks last forever ---- sorry and best wishes
2010-07-02 1:11 am
Um, I hate to break it to you, but he's gone. Move on.
2010-07-02 1:15 am
break is just a nicer way of saying its over. he dont want you anymore. move on
2010-07-02 1:13 am
dont' ever end a friendship, you never know when you might enjoy eachother's company again, its' stupid to think you can't see eachother again, 40 years from now you may both be miserable and lonely and really need someone and you may fall in love.
2010-07-02 1:12 am
That's a long, long break.
A relationship is between two, so you have also a voice in the relationship.
If you are not comfortable with this long break, call him, discuss the matter with him.
To me it sounds as if he is not coming back.

Good luck!
2010-07-02 1:12 am
Your "boyfriend" does not seem to want this break to end. If he wanted to get back together, he would. I would tell him to lose your number...
2010-07-02 1:11 am
How long can you let this go on for? If you're starting to feel impatient and lonely because of this break, tell him. Ask him when the break is over. If he still needs the break and you can't handle it, I suggest you move on.

It all comes down to you. How long can you persevere this break? Some people can't stand be lonely so breaks will definitely mean that they will move on. If you are not comfortable with the break, it's time to move on. If your boyfriend doesn't even ask you about your feelings during the break, it's safe to say he is selfish and only cares about himself. At that point, I'd say move on!

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