Go with my heart or my head?

2010-07-02 12:58 am
Two girls.

One girl, I love. But I am unsure if we can ever be together. I'd say 50/50

The second, I really like, and she likes me. I'd say 90% we could have a relationship.

My heart says go for the girl I love, but my head says go for the other, as it may grow into love in future.

回答 (6)

2010-07-02 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
How much effort are you willing to put in for the girl you love? You can try and try and still not get there. Are you willing to put time and effort into trying to get with her? If you can't and you'd rather have something more stable and less stressful, you might as well go with the 90%.

It is true that feelings can grow and bloom into bigger things in the future. Your heart is all about feelings. Your head is about logic. Logically, it is more sensible to go for the one you like. But feeling wise, being with the one you love means a lot more.

You've got to ask yourself how much effort you can put in to get the one you want. If I were you, because of all the rough times I've had with girls, I'd go with the second. Since you both really like each other, I'd think it's more sensible because the chances of it blooming into love is pretty great, unlike the first girl, which for all you know can be one way love.
2010-07-02 8:04 am
Hmm thats tough, i'd say listen to your heart. And, if that dosen't work out then just go with your head. Mainly just go with your gut. Who makes you happier and comfortable to be around with? I hope you choose the right girl:)
2010-07-02 8:03 am
hmm.. hard delema but really o one can answer that for you. if you are certain the one you love can never be with you then dont date any of them. if you go for the girl you LIKE then well thats kinda like rebounding you dont EVER ant to date her because if you do you will always be wondering what it ould be like if you choose the girl you love. and if the girl you LIKE ever found out you LOVED someone more than her you wolud BREAK her. if you cant be ith the one you love dont go with any of them.
2010-07-02 8:01 am
Go for the second for now because you may begin to love her or you could wait until you find someone you love that you could have a good relationship with too.
2010-07-02 8:00 am
in all matters of heart and head, head has to prevail
2010-07-02 8:00 am
go with your penus

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