
2010-07-01 6:18 pm
如題,, 我想問下胡椒粉可唔可以溶解? 我自己是過將佢地撈水, 但係溶唔到...
sci 功課問點解溶唔到,, 要用粒子嚟解釋, or解到點解胡椒粉溶唔到就得啦=]

回答 (2)

2010-07-01 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
胡椒粉是物體的粒子而不是可溶性的晶體,所以無論將粒子分割到無可再細小時也只是變成了一粒原子, 亦不會溶化在水裏的。
參考: common sense
2010-07-01 6:53 pm
maybe the water can not give enought energy to make it change the from.you need to heat the water to make more energy to change the form.

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