胸大好墮好後悔以前束胸 any solution?

2010-07-01 4:33 am
胸現在好大好墮好後悔因為以前束胸. My breasts are totally not in a good shape at all, very shaggy and big. Even though I am wearing bra now, my breasts still are in a weird shape not like normal shape. Every time when I look at my breasts, I just thought they look so ugly because they are very saggy and it's a lifelong thing.

any solution ? is 矯形bra the only option?

回答 (5)

2010-07-02 9:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
你試吓搵D好少少既BRA帶,慢慢帶返好個型佢...如果唔理佢,就會愈黎愈墮...我係BRA SALES黎既...你試吓PM我,,比少少意見你啦
2010-07-09 4:41 am
2010-07-04 11:54 pm

大就自然會墮架喎. 只可以用push bra 或者就係做手術. 都可以做 gym, 但係只會健胸.
2010-07-01 10:03 pm
用你的胸部去揾 錢$,唔好良費;和你的男性朋友make love,叫佢地摸你個波.有助發育架!

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