What OS for old computer

2010-06-30 8:32 pm
I still use the notebook PIII 700 and had 128 M ram?

Can the computer use Wince or what kind of OS best suit for such an old computer?

回答 (3)

2010-06-30 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你只是用來上網或看看東西, 你可以用
ubuntu linux


可以選擇你要的iso 燒落 cd 或 DVD 安裝,

如果你唔想安裝那麼麻煩 可以用 Knoppix CD Linux


2010-06-30 11:59 pm
2010-06-30 11:00 pm
I think Windows 2000 could be the best choice.
though there won't be any more "support" from MS (who needs it anyway?)
Download & install up to SP4a.
For browser, use Firefox (if new IE8 is not supported)
It runs nearly all your application. and easy to get appz.
I have Win2000 for 10 years with my notebook and it is still good for most things.
128M could be a bit less. Just don't start many apps at once is fine.

Another good choice is Ubuntu. But it's very different than windows. It is a better choice in terms of speed.

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