如何令到 英文聆聽 更加好呢?

2010-06-30 2:55 am
例如 錄音機播一句話

但整句之中 我懂的卻十分少

有時後未諗到它說了什麼 諗得黎都已經過了好幾句

請問一下 我可以如何訓練 聆聽??

我試過一路聽英文歌 一路睇住歌詞

但其實D字既讀音 過幾日就忘了!

其實應該聽完之後 自己都要讀一讀會比較好些嗎???


回答 (4)

2010-06-30 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is better for you to watch English news on internet since most of the things they report are related to our daily life. All the news has sub-titles and you can watch it again and again if you don't underdstand. In the meantime, you can also look up words which you don't understand in a dictionary.
Every day, you can spend approx. 1 hour to watch this news no matter it is TVB or ATV.
Hope this can help!

2010-06-30 12:49:42 補充:
There is no short cut in learning any languages. Read, write and listen more help!
2010-06-30 6:26 am


2010-06-30 4:59 am
2010-06-30 4:53 am
you should watch more english tv

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