
2010-06-29 6:08 am
請問吸濕器內的粒粒是什麼化學品? 它們又是怎樣吸濕? 吸濕後變成液體又是什麼? 應該怎樣處理?

回答 (2)

2010-06-29 3:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
吸濕器內的粒粒是氯化鈣(calcium chloride),跟空氣中的水氣產生作用後就會變成氫氧化鈣及含有氯氣的鹼性溶液,用完後應刺破表面的防漏紙,把溶液倒入廁所沖水
參考: 自己
2010-06-30 1:25 am
The anhydrous compound--Calcium Chloride---is hygroscopic , it rapidly absorbs water or moisture around .

CaCl2 + 2H2O -----> CaCl2.2H20

The dry crystal absorbs moisture to become an acidic calcium chloride solution . You can drain it into the toilet .

2010-07-02 18:22:19 補充:
Correction CaCl solution is not acidic but slightly alkaline pH 8 to 9 .

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