
2010-06-28 3:33 am



回答 (9)

2010-06-28 4:20 am
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Hi May. I haven't seen you for a long time. Did you watch World Cup soccer tonight? Which team do you think will win the cup this time?

2010-07-02 17:29:26 補充:
ShanChan 朋友,
多謝你的意见,我是大意把「今屆」看錯為「今晚」 ,意思差太多了。「你有無睇今屆世界杯?」 應譯作"Have you been watching the matches of this World Cup?"

2010-07-02 17:33:21 補充:
Sorry!我一時大意把第二句的「今屆」看錯為「今晚」 。「你有無睇今屆世界杯?」 應譯作"Have you been watching the matches of this World Cup?"才對。
Hi May. I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you been watching the matches of this World Cup? Which team do you think will win the cup this time?
2010-06-30 8:47 am
May, It's long to see you. Have you been watching the World Cup 2010? Which team do you think would win the champion?
2010-06-29 11:10 pm
May .. hornet not met, the Air this year's World Cup you have any?
Your side will win Champions estimate

上面d gramma wrong
參考: google
2010-06-28 3:37 pm
"May, I have not seen you for a long time. Have you been watching the World Cup? Which team do you think will be the champion?"

NOTE: in a conversation or in email where you can get away with using informal expression, the casual phrase "long time no see" can be used instead of "I haven't seen you for a long time"
2010-06-28 6:57 am
hi may, I haven't seen u for a while. Have u watched the world cup this year? Which team do u think is the winner?
2010-06-28 4:40 am
Hi..May...We haven't seen with each other for ages..Have you watched the
world cup this year?? Which football team do you estimate that it will get the
參考: My point of view...^^
2010-06-28 4:08 am
May .. hornet no saw, you have any closer look at this World Cup?
Assessment team will win the championship side you ...) abc
2010-06-28 3:40 am

May, very long has not looked! You have watch this session of World Cup? You guessed that which team will win?

參考: 自己
2010-06-28 3:39 am
May .. hornet no saw, you have any closer look at this World Cup?
Assessment team will win the championship side you ...)

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