我請你食件蛋榚 英文點講

2010-06-27 8:41 am
我知道 "請人食飯" 英文係 "I treat you a lunch / dinner"
咁如果我想話 "我請你食件蛋榚/ 我請你食野" 可唔以講 "I treat you a piece of cake / I treat you something"

回答 (4)

2010-06-28 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think it should be: "I treat you TO a piece of cake"
or simply "Would you like a piece of cake?", "Would you like some cakes?"

Other examples of the use of "treat"

I treat Bo Bo to dinner at Maxim's.
She treats people kindly
Many diseases can be treated with medicine
2010-06-28 2:00 am
invite you to eat pieces of egg-cream
參考: 我
2010-06-27 8:47 pm
I think you can use "I treat you a piece of cake." or "I offer you a piece of cake."
2010-06-27 5:27 pm
好容易,do u need some cake?

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