enclose and disclose (5m)

2010-06-27 12:47 am
enclose and disclose
What are their diferences? Please explain with an example sentence.

回答 (2)

2010-06-27 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
They are totally different in meaning.

For "enclose", it means to hem in /shut in or to surround.

A check is enclosed herewith.

Regarding " disclose", it means to reveal.

This letter disclosed his secret.

Hope that you will find it useful.

2010-06-27 1:01 am
To enclose means to encircle, to contain, to hold etc., like" I hereby enclose my resume for your reference." whereas to disclose means to uncover, to reveal, like " Don't you ever disclose our secret to anyone else !"
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