
2010-06-26 7:14 pm

回答 (3)

2010-06-27 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
I strongly encourage you to borrow some books about biology since biology in f.4 is much more difficult than that in f.3. You may also find some past papers of HKCEE through the Internet and try to answer those questions if you think you can handle basic biology knowledge, so that you will know what is your level in f.5 biology. The most essential part to prepare f.4 biology is to prepare your f.4 biology textbook and try to memorize the knowledge in the textbook.
Biology don't need students to think, but to memorize the knowledge. In biology exam papers, there will not be big difference between papers in different years (not like physics and mathematics), so you should work hard in memorizing all the knowledge in textbook (especially spellings of long words) to get good result in biology exams.

Chinese Literature:
The major methods for preparing this subject is: reading, thinking and testing.
Reading, including passages, drama, poem, songs, is very important for Chinese Literature. Reading more can make you more interesting to reading, and also enhance your knowlegde about structures, types and strategics of different texts.
Only reading is not enough. Thinking is the next step. Ask yourself: why would the writer write this text, what did the writer want to bring out through the text, what is the feeling of the writer while he/she was writing the text, etc. that can boost your thinking skill, and level-up your critical thinking and let you to think more about a text.
The extra part is testing. Same as Biology, find some past papers of Chinese Literature and know more about the format of exams. You also may carry out self-testing. Find one text to read in the Internet, then ask yourself the type, the background, the genre, the good and bad things of the text, etc., in order to train your basic Chinese Literature knowledge. Try to test yourself with different types of texts, so that you will know how to face different texts in exams.
參考: myself
2010-06-26 11:35 pm


我自己都去開, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^
2010-06-26 7:47 pm
In my opinion, you should read more books during summer holiday
because Chinese Literature requires you to read by yourself as
well as your "ability".In other words, you need to read more in
order to enhance your Chinese level.

When you study Chinese Literature initially, you may find difficulty.
But, if you are always reading any Chinese materials which include
poems,essays, an anthology or a portfolio,then you will accustom
yourself to study this subject.

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