
2010-06-26 9:27 am

因這幾天才清楚定義這個職缺的job function, 目前正積極的在召募
但這些人才並不好找,因為在就業市場內,生產線做製程裏的人才,普遍英文並不是太好. 今日好不容易有一位人選,目前送主管評估中,

The positions had recently defined the job function, and I have actively recruiting now,But these people have not easy to find, because the job market of production line, that English is not good, so need more time to find them.
But today morning you tell us good news that stock options approved
It would be beneficial to recruiting this experts.

As attatmemt, that a candidate of Engineer , had sent to boss assessment .

回答 (3)

2010-06-26 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
很多地方需要改. 請清楚說明甚麽是"生產線做製程裏的人才"?

2010-06-26 03:12:18 補充:
主要跟你的英文去改, 也加了中文有而英文沒有的句子.

We have just clarified the job definition of this vacancy and we are
actively recruiting now. Due to the English skill of the production line workers is generally limited, it will take
more time to find them. Hardly we have found a candidate this morning, and his resume is being reviewed by our manager now.
This morning you brought us the good news about the approval of the stock purchase plan. It will be beneficial for recruiting
these professionals.

Attached is the information of the engineer candidate. We already sent this to our manager for review this morning.

2010-06-29 08:53:31 補充:
謝謝Judi 的提點.
2010-06-29 12:49 pm
Hi 學海大,您貴人多忘事,那個Hardly we have found a candidate...忘了倒裝-->Hardly have we found a candidate...。( hardly, scarcely, seldom...等屬性否定副詞) 起首,後面倒裝。http://www.ecpe-exam-tutor.com/grammar-practice.htm
2010-06-26 10:35 am

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