
2010-06-26 6:27 am
做part-time job可唔可以膁到足夠既生活費同學費?
大概每年既住宿費 學費 生活費要幾多錢?

回答 (2)

2010-06-26 10:28 pm
做part-time job可唔可以膁到足夠既生活費同學費?

Basically it's hard to meet end need for living, let alone help you pay for tuition fee.

大概每年既住宿費 學費 生活費要幾多錢?

Australia -

Foundation (15,000 AUD- 18,000 AUD) per year
University (18,000 AUD -122,000 AUD) per year
Living expenses (~15,000 AUD) per year


Foundation (12,000CAD - 15,000 CAD)
UNiversity (14,000 CAD- 18,000 CAD)
Living Expense (~ 15,000 CAD) per year


You can, but you have to apply for a "Working Permission" (Most Student Visa now are come with it anyway, only people from some country and non-award cost does not have it with the visa) A Working Permission would allow a student to work 20 hours a week during school term and unlimited hours durcate school vacation.

Canadian Visa allow the same right and entitlement as the Australian, but Canadian have 1 different than the Australian, it's the on campus work, On campus work does not require permit nor does it count toward your Off campus working permit hour if you have one (No matter how many hour you work on ampus, you will still have 20 hours a week off campus work )


Basically in Australia, the best bid you can get is work for supermarket like woolworth or Coles and then work for macdonald, they pay about 14 dollar before tax

Working in China town pay cash and you earn about 7-10 dollars an hour or A$80
a day.

working in Canada will get you about 7 - 10 CAD an hours depend on where you work. China Town or not are the same.

You can do the math yourselve on how much you earn in a year

2010-06-27 00:05:15 補充:
Lol whatever you say, buddy.

I fail to see how 3 dollar an hour change the whole situation tho.

2010-06-28 23:34:49 補充:
by the way, i only said macdonald pay about 14 dollar, i never said anything about pays in Woolworth and Cole,i just know they pay better than macdonald hence i said

the best bid you can get is work for supermarket like woolworth or Coles and then work for macdonald
2010-06-26 6:50 am


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